Why bark mulch?

Why bark mulch?

Mathew Lowes |

Now just take a look at the before and after photos of my strawberry and raspberry patch.  It did get quite overgrown and it outfaced me this year, but one day in October I decided to take the bull by the horns and sort it out ready for next year.

Two pathways were created and weed membrane was laid and secured in place with membrane pegs (this is going to be so low maintenance!) then I applied our Activity Chips which, is not only an excellent product for play areas, is ideal for allotment paths and woodland walkways.  I then replanted some of the strawberry plants into my dug over and weeded patch, this will make sure I have plenty of easily accessible strawberries for next year.

I then decided that it was time for the raspberry canes to be pruned (it might not be the correct time of year but stuff has 2 chances in my garden and they have survived by butchery for the last 15 years!)  I then mulched with Luxury Ornamental Bark Mulch around the front of the pruned raspberry canes (the bit that will be seen when they grow) and then added some Economy Bark Mulch to the back of the raspberry canes.

I am hoping that next year that I will have minimal weeding, minimal watering but loads of fruit – I will let you know .......

How and when to use Bark Mulch:

Bark mulching your garden can help to protect plants through the winter months, the most important thing to know is when and how to use the bark mulch.

Autumn is the time when most gardeners begin preparing for the dark winter days when most plants are dormant. After you’ve removed your annual plants and finished weeding for the year, it’s a good time to add a generous layer of bark chippings to your beds, paying particular attention to providing a generous amount around any newly planted autumn plants such as perennials, shrubs and young trees. This gives valuable protection for roots against early frosts, allowing your plants to thrive through the winter and into the spring.

The important thing to remember is that your bark mulch will help to keep the temperature of the soil beneath it at the same temperature as when it was applied. Therefore it is particularly important to add your mulch during a period of mild weather. Adding your mulch during a cold snap will defeat the object, as the soil temperature will remain cold and could harm your plants.

Using a mulch made from bark adds interest to your herbaceous plants throughout the winter months, offsetting the greenery perfectly and allowing hardy plants to show themselves to their best advantage. Once the spring weather is on the way, you can top up your mulch to prevent weed growth, saving you time and trouble and allowing you to spend more time enjoying your garden.

Applying a good mulch for the summer months not only suppresses weeds but it also traps valuable moisture in the soil, preventing it from evaporating in the harsh summer sun. Bark chippings look great, are environmentally friendly and eventually rot down into your flower beds, adding important nutrients to the soil.

We can supply our bark mulch in 3 different sized bulk bags – it can also be collected loose from our Selby Depot and for the larger jobs can be delivered in loose bulk loads.  Our friendly team are always happy to answer any questions you may have about the best way to use our products, so please don’t hesitate to call us on 01757 289651 or email enquires@stones4homes.co.uk for advice.