Winter weather can lead to very dangerous conditions for both drivers and pedestrians. Slippery roads can lead to skidding and collisions and icy footpaths can cause slips and falls. Even a light dusting of snow can be dangerous. In fact, most accidents occur during minor snow falls and ice build ups as drivers and pedestrians can be caught off guard and misjudge the severity of the conditions.
Drivers may purchase winter tyres and follow safety procedures to prepare them for hazardous conditions, but even the most careful of drivers could fall victim to an accident in the snow.
A survey by the Department for Transport (DfT) revealed that in 2014, 2,525 people were injured in Great Britain when there was snow or ice on the road surface. While drivers can take precautions to ensure that they drive safely and appropriately, Rock Salt can also be used to minimise the risk of injury.
Rock Salt is a coarse grit used to de-ice roads, footpaths and driveways. Rock Salt lowers the freezing point of the moisture in snow and ice to help it melt quickly. This means that roads and footpaths will be safer to use as the hazard will be removed sooner than if the ice was left to melt naturally.
People often see local authority salt grit trucks on the roads before the snow has even fallen, but it is beneficial for the salt to be in place before the freezing has taken place. This is because Rock Salt that has been previously crushed by traffic is much more effective at clearing ice and snow.
De-icing driveways using Rock Salt can significantly decrease the risk of injury caused by slipping and falling on the ice. As driveways are used frequently throughout the day, it is important that they are risk free for both walking and driving to and from the home. De-icing a driveway is particularly important if the driveway is on an incline, as this can be extremely hazardous. Once the salt is applied, the ice should start to melt away quickly and effectively, leaving the driveway risk-free.
Although Brown Rock Salt is most commonly seen on the roads, White De-Icing Salt is also available and is favoured by businesses and public services. It is seen as a 'cleaner' alternative to Brown Rock Salt as it does not leave residue that can be caused by the use of Brown Rock Salt. However, Brown Rock Salt is drier than the white alternative and so spreads more easily. It also has a much smaller carbon footprint than White Salt. As Rock Salt freezes at a temperature of around minus seven degrees, it should be stored in an appropriate place such as a grit bin or a sealed bag.
Both drivers and pedestrians should follow the Highway Code and pay particular attention to safety advice when travelling in icy conditions. Children and elderly people may need additional assistance to ensure that they are safe and avoid accidents during the winter months. Attention should be paid to weather warnings and if possible journeys should be avoided when roads and footpaths are icy.
Stones4Homes for your supply of winter rock salt and white de-icing salt - call on 01757 289651.