How Scottish decorative pebbles and cobbles will enhance your garden

How Scottish decorative pebbles and cobbles will enhance your garden

Mathew Lowes |

Read more to learn about why and how to use natural Scottish pebbles and cobbles to enhance your garden area.

There is nothing more relaxing than sitting outside in the sunshine enjoying your garden. This enjoyment can only be enhanced when your garden contains beautiful, natural products that compliment your chosen plants and themes.

Decorative stones such as Scottish pebbles and cobbles can be used for a wide variety of things in your garden from paths and bedding to water features. Their natural looks and colours draw the eye and they have the added benefit of becoming even more beautiful when they are wet as their natural colours are enhanced.

The Scottish cobbles and pebbles all have smooth rounded edges that are safe for pets and wildlife but also feel pleasant to the touch. These rounded edges are formed as the cobbles are sourced from the beach. Over time, the hard edges of the stone are worn away with the tumbling of the waves and the movement of other stones. This creates the smooth, unique pebbles and cobbles that we offer to you.

The Scottish pebbles and cobbles come in a range of sizes and each set can be mixed to create a unique garden design.

Due to the differing sizes the pebbles and cobbles can be used to draw your eye to a certain area and can be useful in changing the perspective within your garden.